Thursday, March 20, 2008

Little boy, why do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer?

I walked around the corner in our neighborhood and found a young boy hitting himself in the head with a hammer. "Little boy," I said, "why do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer?" He looked up with a smile on his face and said, "Because it feels so good when I stop."

The Pahrump Valley Times has another in a series of articles in ALL the local papers on the next attempt by the DOE to "revive" Yucca Mountain. They will send another bright scientist to head the project and then cut back the money and manpower ... again ... while getting now further in the process. More delays, more money down the drain (or hole). I makes you want to ask: "DOE, why do you keep hitting your head with a hammer?"

Well it is long past time to MAKE IT STOP!

It is time to spend the billions of dollars on recycling nuclear waste and not hiding it - "oooh, that feels so good!"

It is time to spend the billions of dollars on technology that WON'T PRODUCE the waste in the first place - "yessss, that feels so good!"

Let's get the DOE to STOP banging themselves with Yucca, I am sure they will thank us for it.

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