Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let's get back to business!

I read a LOT of the Nevada blogs. Some are good and some are not so good. I read the left wing blogs and the right wing ones. I enjoy reading both sides take on the same issue and I get pretty good at finding out your particular bent from simple looking at the adjectives you use in your writing. If you describe our Governor as "the idiot Jim Gibbons" or "the beleaguered Jim Gibbons" you get a good idea of the bent of the writer.

Well I am simply tired of the blogs on Jim Gibbons being about his divorce. For a week now that is all the local blogs have been about and it is time to get back to business and let the tabloids deal with the divorce if they feel it necessary. Let's talk about budget issues. Let's talk about Yucca issues. Let's talk about water issues. Let's talk about who's running for what and what their ideas are. Let's get back to business!

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